SV Eureka

Confidential advisors

Dear Eurekans,

Your time as a student is fun, interesting, dynamic and inspiring. It can however also be exhausting, stressful, disorienting and a source of insecurity. With all the recent attention for the wellbeing of students it is becoming more and more clear that problems amongst your fellow students are more common than perhaps commonly thought and that it is very normal if you experience something similar.

As an honours student you often dive even deeper into your studies. This can be very satisfying but can also cause extra stress or conflicts. This is why SV Eureka has two confidential advisors to support all Eurekans and guide them with personal or interpersonal problems. Some examples could be:

  • You feel bullied or unsafe within the association or during a seminar.
  • You experience panic at the mere thought of your honours thesis.
  • There is something going on within your family or friend group that disrupts your ability to study.
  • Teachers don’t take your disability into account.
  • There is conflict within your committee.
  • You more often experience negative than positive emotions.
  • The study assignments are just piling up and you’re getting overwhelmed.
  • You just want to chat with someone.

Do you recognise one of these problems or do you have something else you’d like to talk about? Contact one of our confidential advisors!

Don’t think that your problems are too small or unimportant! You are always welcome to start a conversation and explore what possibilities there are to support you. Often there are far more possibilities than you think. 

You can contact the confidential advisors at or send them a message on WhatsApp. 

Im Korving

Julianne Schijns