SV Eureka


We have various committees within SV Eureka. Being part of a committee is very fun and offers an amazing learning experience! All our committees can be viewed via this site. In principle, becoming a member of a committee is always possible, unless a committee is full.

Heb je een idee voor bijvoorbeeld een losse activiteit, voel je dan vrij om de commissie te mailen, iemand aan te spreken of het in de Grote IdeeënDoos op de kamer te stoppen! Wil je lid worden van een commissie? Mail dan naar, of spreek een van de bestuursleden aan. 


The ArtCie organizes activities that allow Eurekans to enjoy the wonderful world of art and unleash their artistic impulses! We've organized open mics, knitting workshops and Bob Ross painting sessions, and we hold regular granny afternoons where you can come to the Eureka room to eat biscuits and work on your projects.


De activiteiten & Excursie commissie organiseert een heleboel verschillende activiteiten. Zo hebben ze bijvoorbeeld voor Pride-maand een kanotocht georganiseerd en een “slimste mens” quiz. Ze organiseren ook excursies naar musea dicht (Catherijneconvent) en ver van huis (Ai Weiwei in Rotterdam).

Dorks & Deadlines

The Dorks & Deadlines committee organizes Dungeons & Dragons sessions, and activities around other games, from Scrabble to Magic: the Gathering to Call of Cthulhu! We organize about one activity per month, and we always try to ensure that even someone who has never touched a die can join in!

Introduction Committee

The Introduction Committee organizes the introduction activities at the beginning of the academic year. The most important thing here is the first plenary meeting, where the new members are really introduced to the HHP for the first time. They also organize various activities around a self-determined theme. They offer new honors students the opportunity to get to know each other and the association.


The intercom is the committee for al kinds of international-related activities within the association. They have for example organised a potluck where everyone brought foods from their own culture (and to everyone's taste).


The MerCie makes all SV Eureka merchandise. So far, t-shirts, mugs and two types of sweaters have already been made with a beautiful Eureka logo, so the ambitions are clearly high! Do you have fantastic ideas for products or a great creative design in mind? Then become a member of the MerCie!


Echo is the magazine of the humanities honours programme. It is thé platform to publish your academic work. The committee of Echo forms the independent editorial of the journal, that is published multiple times per year. The board of SV Eureka has no influence on the contents of Echo, to create a free academic environment. The papers that we receive are looked at critically, the journal is created with style in mind and the blog and site are continuously maintained. The editorial is currently full!

Plenary Meeting Committee

The Plenary Meeting Committee organizes the plenary meetings of the Humanities Honors Programme. This is not a real committee of SV Eureka, but the association is responsible for this committee. The committee chooses the theme of the meeting, arranges the speakers and ensures a location and catering.

The PMC has a new set of members for every new plenary meeting, so if you would like to organize such an event, you can register when a call is placed in the WhatsApp group. 


The ReisCie organizes the annual Eureka trips. For example, in January 2019, Eureka went to Tallinn and Helsinki. In 2020 the ReisCie took us to Budapest and Vienna. In 2022 we traveled to Liège and in 2023 to Luxembourg! The trip can last a few days or a whole week, and is a relaxing mix of freedom to explore the cities independently and honorable activities, such as visiting universities or parliament. Of course, there are also more casual activities, such as a pub crawl, that are guaranteed to create a good atmosphere in the group.

As a member of the Travel Committee you are responsible for (and during) the trip. In return you get a wonderful experience and credit for everyone's immense fun!