SV Eureka

Important documents

On this page, you can find the association's important documents, such as the Rules of Procedure and the privacy policy. If you have questions about these documents, please contact one of the board members!

Rules of Procedure

The Rules of Procedure entail rules and guidelines for the day-to-day life within the association. You can find the rules of procedure here (pdf).


The statutes entail the official rules that apply to the association, and are mandatory by law. The statutes are only available in Dutch. If you have any questions about the statutes, please contact us! If you want to see the dutch versions you can find them here.

Code of conduct

When you sign up as member, you agree with the code of conduct here you can find the code of conduct. 

Protocol confidential advisors

There is a protocol regarding our confidential advisors. You can find it here kun je dit protocol vinden. 

Protocol for the violation of the code of conduct

Although we hope that nothing happens within the association that would constitute a violation, we want to be prepared in case it happens. This is why we have a protocol for when the code of conduct is violated: you can find it here

Privacy declaration and policy

SV Eureka regularly processes personal data. We try to protect this personal data as best as we can. We make this promise explicitly in the privacy statement. You can find the privacy statement here.

In the privacy policy we indicate how how we keep this promise. You can find the privacy policy here